Password Hashing Program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w ##################################################################################### # This program is not guaranteed to work at all, and by using this program you # # release the author of any an all liability. # # You may use this program so long as this notice and disclaimer remain intact. # # # # This program will create a hash (SHA1, MD5, etc) of a plain text password string. # # # # Written by Bret Jordan # # # # # # # ##################################################################################### my $sVersion = "0.01"; use strict; use Digest::MD5; use Digest::SHA1; use Term::ReadKey; use Getopt::Long; # --------------------------------------------------------- # Process Command Line Options # --------------------------------------------------------- my %options = &get_options(); &print_syntax if (defined $options{h} || defined $options{help}); my $sClearPassword; if ($options{p}) { $sClearPassword = $options{p}; } else { $sClearPassword = &get_pwd(); } # --------------------------------------------------------- # Create Encrypted Password # --------------------------------------------------------- my $ctx; if (lc($options{d}) eq "md5") { $ctx = Digest::MD5->new; } elsif (lc($options{d}) eq "sha1") { $ctx = Digest::SHA1->new; } $ctx->add($sClearPassword); if (lc($options{e}) eq "bin") { print $ctx->digest; } elsif (lc($options{e}) eq "hex") { print $ctx->hexdigest; } elsif (lc($options{e}) eq "b64") { print $ctx->b64digest; } # --------------------------------------------------------- # Subroutines # --------------------------------------------------------- sub get_pwd { my ($sPassword, $sPasswordVerify); do { print "Password: "; ReadMode('noecho'); chomp ($sPassword = ReadLine(0)); print "\n"; ReadMode('normal'); print "Verify Password: "; ReadMode('noecho'); chomp ($sPasswordVerify = ReadLine(0)); print "\n"; ReadMode('normal'); print "Passwords do not match!\n" if ($sPassword ne $sPasswordVerify); } while ($sPassword ne $sPasswordVerify); return $sPassword; } sub get_options { my %flags; if (@ARGV > 0) { # allow flags denoted by "-" or "--" Getopt::Long::Configure("prefix_pattern=(--|-)"); GetOptions (\%flags, qw(d=s e=s p=s h|? help)); } # Set defaults to SHA1 and Base64 if (!defined $flags{d}) {$flags{d} = "sha1";} if (!defined $flags{e}) {$flags{e} = "b64";} return %flags; } sub print_syntax { my ($sScript) = ($0 =~ /([^\\\/]*?)$/ ); print <<EOT; Create encrypted password. Version: $sVersion Syntax: perl $sScript [-d Digest] [-e EncodingType] [-p FileName] [-h] -d Digest (md5 or sha1), sha1 is the default. -e Encoding (bin=Binary, hex=Hex, b64=Base64) b64 is the default. -p Password. -h This help menu. EOT exit(); }